20 April 2021

20 April 2021

While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ When he had said this, he died. And Saul approved of their killing him.

Acts 7:51-8:1, NRSV

In today’s reading we reach the climax of the events which culminated in the martyrdom of Stephen. In a fearless response to the accusations that had been laid against him, Stephen turned the tables on his accusers. He accused them and their ancestors of rejecting the teaching of the prophets and for the death of Jesus. He clearly stated that it was they and not he who were breaking the Law. Given the intensity of their reaction, it is clear that Stephen’s words had hit the mark. The final straw came with Stephen’s declaration that he could see heaven “thrown open” and the Son of Man standing at God’s right hand. For his accusers, this was blasphemy of the highest order and such was their anger that they abandoned all thought of Roman law and resorted to the traditional Jewish custom of stoning Stephen. There are many similarities between the death of Jesus and the way Stephen behaved during his trial and execution including his forgiveness of those responsible and his absolute trust in God. The reading ends with the first reference to Saul who was that point a devout Jew. Saul may have approved of what he witnessed but perhaps this was part of what later influenced him when he became the apostle Paul.


    • What do you think was gained through Stephen’s martyrdom?
    • Why do you think that martyrdom has continued throughout the life of the church?

You may like to research the stories of some of the martyrs of “recent” times. Some suggestions: the Sri Lankan martyrs, the Nigerian martyrs, Oscar Romero, Jean Donovan

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