26 June 2021

26 June 2021

The Lord said to Abraham, ‘Why did Sarah laugh, and say, “Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?” Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? At the set time I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.’

Genesis 18:1-15, NRSV

Although Abraham has been repeatedly promised and reassured by God that he would have a son with his wife Sarah, we realise in today’s reading that they had yet to believe that this was possible. We hear about Abraham providing hospitality to three “strangers” who arrived at his tent during the hottest part of the day. The hospitality he offered far exceeded what strangers would have had the right to expect. Abraham’s generous hospitality is matched in the promise made by one of the strangers whom Abraham recognises as “the Lord”. Abraham is given a further promise that he and Sarah will have a child before the next year when he will receive a further visit. Sarah, overhearing the words of this promise, responded by laughing. Her reaction is understandable given that both she and Abraham were advanced in years and that Sarah had entered the menopause. The Lord, in the guise of a stranger, corrects Sarah’s disbelief. As so often in the history of God’s salvation, God chooses unlikely people and situations in order to fulfil his promises.

    • What do you think prompted Abraham to offer generous hospitality to these strangers?
    • Where are we called to be generous in offering hospitality?

Be aware today of how you interact with “strangers” and of the difference your hospitality could make.


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