14 November 2020

14 November 2020

Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, even though they are strangers to you; they have testified to your love before the church.
3 John 5-8, NRSV

Although the individual “churches” were small at this time, there seems to have been a lot of visiting between them – sharing teaching – bringing news – offering support and finance – and, generally, encouraging each other at a time when to be Christian put you at risk of persecution. The call to hospitality was a sacred duty in desert countries and John is exhorting new Christians on islands and in cities to bring that same willingness to serve the stranger as a friend.

    • How would frequent visits between churches have helped to build up the whole Body of Christ?
    • How do we build up mutual respect and support between churches locally – but also globally? And why does it matter? 

Pray today for the grace to take those three words to heart and to live by them.