14 October 2020

14 October 2020

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. .
From Galatians 5; 18-25, NRSV

At the time Paul was writing, these qualities would have been pretty counter-cultural. In an empire founded on a powerful military, there would have been little tolerance for love and gentleness and they would certainly not have been seen as recommendations for promotion. Paul sees Christianity as something very different. The way of life they were being called to follow was not any easier than years of military service – in fact, it could be seen as even more difficult. In a society that celebrated power and, often, cruelty, making a choice to be loving, kind, gentle and self-controlled would require all the power and strength the Spirit could offer.

    • Why were these values so challenging to Roman society and culture?
    • Are they any easier to live by in our own times?

Choose one of the fruits to be your challenge for the day – to be mindful of it in your dealings with family, friends and colleagues. At the end of the day, offer an account of how you did to God.