16 October 2020

16 October 2020

In Christ you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation,
and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit;
this is the pledge of our inheritance towards redemption as God’s own people, to the praise of his glory..
From Ephesians 1: 11-14, NRSV

These words were written to a community newly on fire with the gospel. It can be hard to think about what that felt like as most of us were baptised into well-established communities where, if we are honest, there is some suspicion about people who are over-enthusiastic about expressing their faith! The Ephesians would grow in wisdom and understanding but had taken the fundamental step we all must – to listen to the word of God – to take it to heart – and to come to a deep trust in the power of the Spirit at work within us.

    • Have you ever been uncomfortable around people who are “over-enthusiastic” about expressing their faith?
    • Have you been at the receiving end of such suspicion?

Pray today for an openness to the power of God at work within you – and the gift to be able to share it with others in ways they can receive and welcome.