17 November 2020

17 November 2020

‘Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.’ .
Apocalypse 3: 1-6, 14-22, NRSV

In today’s reading from the Book of Revelation, there are strongly worded messages of reprimand for the churches of Sardis and Laodicea. In the case of Sardis, the criticism is that they now appear to be dead when they were once known for being alive in their faith. For Laodicea, the criticism is that they are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm. These must have been hard words to hear for both these communities who were enthusiastic and eager when they first heard the Good News. The decline in their attitudes was  understandable given the penalties that went with being part of the wider Roman society. However, the prophet does point out that repentance is possible. Both communities are told to listen to what the Spirit is saying – perhaps this has been the message for the Church in every age?

    • What might have made the churches in Sardis and Laodicea less enthusiastic than they had been at their beginning?
    • What makes our church communities today less enthusiastic than they might be?

Pray today for church communities undergoing turmoil of any kind, that by listening to the Spirit, they might rediscover their sense of purpose.