6 September 2020

6 September 2020

 If I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked ones, you shall surely die’, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from their ways, the wicked shall die in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at your hand.
From Ezechiel 33:7-9 (NRSV)

God makes it clear to the prophet Ezechiel that he is responsible for ensuring that he intervenes to change the ways of those who do wrong. Failure to intervene will mean Ezechiel will be blamed for their downfall. Few of us would be keen to do as expected of Ezechiel and would likely not be thanked for going around pointing out to others the error of their ways! However, this reading could remind us that we are part of a Church which is affected by the sins (as well as by the good deeds) of others. None of us can shrug our shoulders and pretend that what others do is not our business. Opportunities can arise where a thoughtful word or two, offered with love and support, may help others to grow. Similarly, we may learn from others who are honest with us about an aspect of our own behaviour.

    • What does it say about Ezechiel that God places this great responsibility on his shoulders?  
    • Is there a situation within your family or church community that needs healing? Is there any way in which your intervention could help?

Give thanks for those who have helped you to grow in faith through sharing some “home truths” with you and ask for the discernment to see where a sensitive intervention from you could help others.