9 April 2022

9 April 2022

Thus says the Lord God: I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all.

From Ezekiel 37:21-28, NRSV

Ezekiel’s words of prophecy came at the time when the people of Israel were struggling during the difficult days of exile in Babylon. They were a divided and broken people whose daily life was a struggle for survival. Through the words of the prophet, God gave his people a vision of hope for the future. They were promised the complete redemption and restoration of their kingdom by means of a new covenant that God wanted to make with them. Ezekiel clearly set out the advantages of this new covenant. They would have a reunited kingdom through the bringing together of tribes who had been enemies. God would cleanse them from their previous wickedness and not hold this against them. They would be reigned over by David, the Lord’s servant  and God would remain with them forever. Ezekiel’s vision was not to be achieved immediately. For Christians, the fulfilment of this vision came through the person of Jesus Christ – the descendant of King David – whose kingdom is eternal. Although the people to whom Ezekiel proclaimed this prophecy were not to see its fulfilment, it was their willingness to enter into a new relationship with God that paved the way for a future that surpassed their greatest expectations.

    • What impact do you think Ezekiel’s prophecy had on the people of Israel?
    • What is your experience of finding hope in seemingly hopeless situations?

Pray today for anyone struggling to find hope for the future.

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